2019 AOS in Anchorage

Burns Lab 2019

Burns Lab at 2019 American Ornithology Society meetings in Anchorage, Alaska


Burns lab members past and present will be well represented at next week’s American Ornithological Society Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. Here is a list of presentations by both former and current Burns lab members (in bold):

Wednesday 1100
Population Genomics of Hawaiian House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus): Investigating Genetic Variation of an Introduced Population
Demery AC, Edwards S, Shultz AJ

Wednesday 1400
A Tale of Two Transects: Sexual Selection Across a Hummingbird Hybrid Zone
Myers BM, Rankin DT, Brelsford A, Burns KJ, Clark CJ

Wednesday 1400
Integrative Approaches to Species Delimitation in Birds
Cicero C, Mason NA, Jimenez RA, Wait DR, Wang-Claypool CY, Bowie RC

Wednesday 1430
The Relative Roles of Natural Selection and Sexual Selection in Speciation in the Tanagers
Price-Waldman RM, Demery AJ, Mason NA, Shultz AJ, Title PO, Burns KJ

Wednesday 1615
Coalescent-Based Species Delimitation in Avian Taxonomy: History, Promise, and Pitfalls
Mason NA, Fletcher NK, Gill B, Funk C, Zamudio K

Wednesday 1700
Phylogenomics of the Parrots of the World
Smith BT, Brumfield R, Ferreira M, Mauck W, Merwin J, Wright T, Joseph LG

Wednesday 17:30
Pathogen-mediated genotypes of colorful phenotypes: integrating research across organizational levels to study biodiversity
Shultz AJ

Thursday 1045
Admixture Mapping the Genetic Basis of Species Differences in Avian Hybrid Zones
Brelsford AT, Nwankwo EC, Myers BM, Clark CJ, Kirschel AN

Thursday 1105
Bill Divergence & Speciation in Corvidae
Scott BF et al.

Thursday 7:30 (kiosk 3 e26)
The Ornithology Collection of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM)
Shultz AJ

Friday 1100
Genetic Connectivity and Differentiation among Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris) Along an Elevational Gradient in the White Mountains of California
Wang-Claypool CY, Mason NA, Cicero C, Bowie RC

Friday 1650
The Long and the Short of It: Linking Genome-Wide Signatures of Selection Across Evolutionary Timescales in Birds
Shultz AJ, Arnold B, Sackton TB

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